Bible Reading Resources

We are a Bible Reading Church

June Reading Plan

This Reading Plan provides a guide for reading the book of Psalms in the month of June & July. You’re welcome to read and study at your own pace, this is simply a suggested guide.

Day 1: Psalms 1-3

Day 2: Psalms 4-6

Day 3: Psalms 7-9

Day 4: Psalms 10-12

Day 5: Psalms 13-15

Day 6: Psalms 16-17

Day 7: Psalms 18-19

Day 8: Psalms 20-21

Day 9: Psalms 22-24

Day 10: Psalms 25-27

Day 11: Psalms 28-30

Day 12: Psalms 31-32

Day 13: Psalms 33-34

Day 14: Psalms 35-36

Day 15: Psalms 37-38

Day 16: Psalms 39-40

Day 17: Psalms 41-42

Day 18: Psalms 43-44

Day 19: Psalms 45-46

Day 20: Psalms 47-48

Day 21: Psalms 49-50

Day 22: Psalms 51-53

Day 23: Psalms 54-56

Day 24: Psalms 57-59

Day 25: Psalms 60-62

Day 26: Psalms 63-65

Day 27: Psalms 66-68

Day 28: Psalms 69-71

Day 29: Psalms 72-73

Day 30: Psalms 74-75

July Reading Plan

This Reading Plan provides a guide for reading the book of Psalms in the month of June & July. You’re welcome to read and study at your own pace, this is simply a suggested guide.

Day 1: Psalms 76-77

Day 2: Psalms 78

Day 3: Psalms 79-80

Day 4: Psalms 81-82

Day 5: Psalms 83-84

Day 6: Psalms 85-86

Day 7: Psalms 87-88

Day 8: Psalms 89

Day 9: Psalms 90-91

Day 10: Psalms 92-93

Day 11: Psalms 94-95

Day 12: Psalms 96-97

Day 13: Psalms 98-99

Day 14: Psalms 100-101

Day 15: Psalms 102-103

Day 16: Psalms 104

Day 17: Psalms 105

Day 18: Psalms 106

Day 19: Psalms 107

Day 20: Psalms 108-109

Day 21: Psalms 110-112

Day 22: Psalms 113-115

Day 23: Psalms 116-118

Day 24: Psalms 119

Day 25: Psalms 120-124

Day 26: Psalms 125-129

Day 27: Psalms 130-135

Day 28: Psalms 136-139

Day 29: Psalms 140-143

Day 30: Psalms 144-145

Day 31: Psalms 146-150

Online Bible Study Tools

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Bible Commentary & References

Most commentaries aim to interpret the passage using a theological framework. Simply put, they explain how the Bible connects and its significance. Some commentaries break down each book, some focus on themes, and others delve into word meanings from the original languages.

Recommended Apostolic Bible Commentaries

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Study Bible

Commentaries can cost a lot and be inconvenient to lug around. A handy alternative is a good study Bible. It gives explanations, cross-references, and useful articles. Some even have maps and diagrams!

Apostolic Study Bible

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Bible Translation Guide

This chart puts some of the popular translations on a continuum so that you can see how they each uniquely approach interoperation of the original text. This is not an exact chart, rather an overview to see which translations are more literal and which ones focus on the main ideas.

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